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Rebecca Fredericks

Mum of 4, Women's Health Coach (BSc Psychology, NLP Dip), Executive Coach (EMCC Senior Practitioner), Personal Trainer (CYQ CPT), Nutritionist (CfNRegNutr) & Author (Mummahood: The Experts Guide to a Fit, Healthy & Happy Pregnancy’)

As a holistic wellbeing coach and mother of 4 young children, I draw upon my background in coaching, psychology, nutrition, exercise and wellness practices to provide a truly transformational and unique coaching experience for women at all stages of their lives and careers. My passion is the empowerment of others.


My 360-degree expertise enables me to empathise and work effectively with all women – perhaps due to the published work I’ve done and my qualifications in pre and post-natal health, I am often asked to work with those leaving or returning from maternity leave and those experiencing other challenges such as the perimenopause or menopause. I am also asked to help their managers and organisations to better understand and support them.


My skills allow me to work holistically, creating tailored sessions, courses and programs for the women (or enterprise level corporate leaders) I work with, ensuring they unlock their personal and professional potential to become their best self.


As a published author, who has written a book on pregnancy and has written for, or been featured in, numerous magazines, including ‘Psychologies’ and The Huffington Post, I have the credibility corporate companies are wanting when looking for coaches for their high performers, and future leaders.


My Psychology degree has also helped me to develop a thorough understanding of communication skills which allows me to flex my style to accommodate all personalities, enabling me to effectively interact and engage with anyone. 


And, having worked at a senior level for a global brand, my corporate background infuses my coaching to give me a deep contextual understanding of the work challenges and environments that my clients operate in.


All of this means that I bring this relevance of experience, and 360 degree expertise to my clients, so that I can facilitate transformation through high impact and outcome-based coaching sessions.

Mummahood: The Expert Guide to a Fit, Healthy & Happy Pregnanc


Mummahood: The Expert Guide to a Fit, Healthy & Happy Pregnancy



Executive Coach

(Psychology BSc, NLP Dip)

With a degree in Psychology (BSc) and a diploma in NLP and hypnosis along with an Executive Coaching qualification from Henley Business School I work with women helping them to flourish through every life transition



But the media has completely complicated food and impacted our relationship with it.

I help women to understand their bodies and what they need so that they are eating to nourish, care for and love themselves.

The bi-product of this is more energy, more positivity, better sleep and less sick days!


Personal Trainer

(CYQ CPT, Pre & Post Natal Specialist)

I have worked exclusively with women's bodies for the past 10 years and know exactly how to help them build strength, lose weight and become body-confident.

I have specialised in working with pre and post natal women helping them to prepare for labour as well as rehabilitate post birth.

A strong woman who feel goods about herself is a confident and empowered woman at work

Client Testimonials

"A massive thank you to Bex for leading our recent lunchtime Wellbeing sessions hosted by our Inclusion & Diversity Gender workstream. 


Everyone was impressed by Bex's breadth of knowledge, enthusiasm and ability to tailor her guidance to the corporate lifestyle. 


Bex really masters the art of being inspirational yet relatable, re-enforcing the idea that everyone can make small changes to better their lifestyle (even with busy careers!)" 

Ingrid Nogueira

GCT, I&D Gender Workstream Lead at Lloyds (Commercial Banking)

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